Sequoia Configuration

  • A number of SEQUOIA settings are user-configurable.

  • The settings and their values are defined and stored in several places:

    • Factory Defaults

      • The initial value of each setting is hard-coded in the Sequoia executable.

      • These are the fallback values in case the sources below are damaged or missing.

      • This definition also contains all metadata like value ranges and descriptions.

    • Constants File

      • The same values are provided in a human-editable file called “sequoia_constants.json” in the root folder of Sequoia.

      • While the file is normally write-protected, it could be modified by power users to tweak the metadata like value ranges and descriptions.

    • Customized Settings

      • The changes applied via the Configuration dialog described below are stored in an INI file in the User’s Local Roaming account folder.

      • Only the setting name and value are stored, the metadata like tooltips or allowed ranges is read from one of the two above sources.

      • When SEQUOIA is started, it will attempt to update the settings initialized from the above two sources with the values from the INI file.

      • If this information is missing, the system will fall back to the Constants File; if it is also missing, the Factory Defaults will be used.

    • Setting Presets

      • In addition to the latest settings stored in the User’s Local Roaming account folder, the user can save and load custom presets containing all settings.

      • These files can be named and saved, shared with other users, loaded on demand and generally used to quickly switch SEQUOIA to a custom configuration.

  • If one of the above sources is corrupted or missing, a warning message will be displayed, however SEQUOIA will still launch and function propertly using the Factory Defaults.

The Sequoia Configuration Dialog

  • To open the Sequoia Configutation Dialog, select Main Menu > Options > CONFIGURATION…

  • A dialog similar to the Map Keyboard Bindings dialog will open:


Configuration Level

  • The Configuration dialog offers three levels, controlled by the radio buttons on top.

    • User Level - these are the most often needed controls for end users.

    • Advanced Level - in addition to the User Level controls, a few more settings for power users will be displayed.

    • Developer Level - in addition to all controls from the previous two levels, some deep controls meant mostly for developers that should normally not be touched anyway will be displayed.

Locating A Constant

  • To locate a specific setting, either

    • Scroll through the list until you find the desired value;

    • Type a part of the Setting or Category name in the text field above of list:

  • In the above screenshot, all Advanced Level settings containing the token “View are listed.

Changing A Constant’s Value

  • To change a setting, slect a line from the list.

    • If it is a Numeric value, type in a new value or use the slider to increase/decrease the value.

    • If it is a Boolean value, change the state of the Checkbutton.

    • If it is a Text value, type in the new text.

Resetting A Value

  • To reset the shortcuts of the currently selected command to the factory defaults, press the [Reset Value] button.

Resetting All Values

  • To restore all settings to the default / factory default settings, press the [Restore Defaults] button.

  • The settings will be taken from the sequoia_constants.json file, or if it is corrupted or missing, from the factory defaults hard-coded in the executable.

Saving A Settings Preset

  • To save the current settings to an .SCD file, press the [Export…] button.

Loading A Settings Preset

  • To load previously saved bindings from disk, press the [Import…] button and pick an existing .SCD file.

  • Note that all current settings will be lost - if you want to back them up, first save a Settings Preset before loading a new Preset.

Applying, Rejecting And Closing The Dialog

  • The Configuration dialog is modeless - you can change the settings interactively and press the [Apply] button to apply them to the running SEQUOIA session.

  • Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the dialog AND restore all settings to their values before the dialog was opened.

  • To close the dialog AND accept all changes to settings made while it was open, press the [OK] button.