Mesh Relax Operator

  • Relaxes the mesh by moving each vertex towards the average of its neighbor vertices.

  • Exposed properties are:


  • Defines how many iterations to perform.

  • In each iteration, each vertex will be moved to the average position of its neighbord vertices.

  • After all vertices have been moved, more iterations can be performed using the modified vertex positions from the previous iterations.

  • The minimum value is 0 and performs no iterations at all, equivalent to disabling the operator.

  • The slider’s range maximum is 100.

  • Values higher than 100 can be entered manually by typing into the value field.


  • Defines how much to move the vertex from its current position to the average position of its neighbors.

  • The maximum value is 1.0 and moves the vertex to the average position of its neightbors.

  • The minimum value is 0.0 and does not move the vertex at all.

  • Values outside of the 0.0-1.0 range are not allowed and will be clamped.