Saving A Mesh To Disk


  • The main output of SEQUOIA is a file on disk containing the resulting data from the meshing process.

  • Supported file formats include Thinkbox’ XMesh files, .OBJ files, .PLY files, .STL, .U3D, .PDF (3D PDF) and .FBX files.

  • There are three approaches to saving a mesh to disk:

  • Select the Mesher object to save and use the Main Menu > File > EXPORT Scene Data > Export Selected MESH In World/Object Space… menu item.

  • Select the Mesher object to save, expand the “Export” rollout and press the [Export UCS Space…] or [Export World Space…] button.

  • Select the Mesher object to save, expand the “Hacksaw” rollout, adjust the subdivision settings and press the [Export UCS Space…] or [Export World Space…] button to generate multiple XMesh files. See next topic for details.

  • In all cases, if the Mesher does not contain a valid mesh yet, it will be updated first, and then the resulting mesh will be saved to disk.

  • The resulting mesh can be loaded back into the same Document or into a different Document to check out the output using a Mesh Loader object.

Which Mesh Format To Use?

  • Each mesh format has its own benefits and drawbacks.

  • You should pick the format that has the most benefits and is supported by your target platform / software.

  • Within SEQUOIA, we recommend using XMesh exclusively.


  • XMesh is a binary format which offers very good compression and supports all necessary channels.

  • Its drawback is that outside of SEQUOIA, it is currently supported only in Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya and The Foundry’s NUKE.

  • The XMesh Loaders for these applications are free of charge and more are planned in the future.


  • OBJ is an ASCII file format with no compression whatsoever and supports only a very small set of basic channels.

  • OBJ files written by SEQUOIA do not contain Vertex Color data.

  • Resulting files are huge and take long to save and load.

  • On the positive side, OBJ is supported by a very large number of applications, so it is the Least Common Denominator of geometry exchange.


  • PLY is binary and produces much smaller files than OBJ, but a bit larger than XMesh.

  • It is recommended as an alternative to OBJ when supported by the target platform due to its size and the fact that it supports Vertex Colors.


  • STL was originally designed for providing data to 3D printers.

  • It is binary but uncompressed, so it is smaller than OBJ, but larger than XMesh and PLY.


  • The U3D file format is used by SEQUOIA mainly as an intermediate format to embed 3D content into a 3D PDF file.

  • The U3D format could be used separate from PDF to exchange data with another application that supports this format.

  • U3D is a scene description format and can contain additional data, for example texture map references.

  • U3D is not well compressed, and the export of very large meshes (hundreds of millions of polygons) can be memory-intensive, so is recommended only for simplified meshes.

  • Support for U3D export is available since SEQUOIA v1.1.

  • U3D import is currently not available.


  • A 3D PDF file can contain text and interactive 3D content in the same document.

  • It can be viewed and navigated using the Adobe Reader software.

  • This makes it great for sharing SEQUOIA output with users that do not have access to or knoweldge of 3D software.

  • Support for 3D PDF export is available since SEQUOIA v1.1.


  • The Autodesk FBX file format is supported by a very large number of 3D applications, making it very useful for mesh data interchange.

  • FBX is a scene description format, but at the moment SEQUOIA only exports and imports the first mesh object

  • FBX support is available since SEQUOIA v1.1.

Below is a comparison of the file sizes produced from a mesh with 10,688,904 faces and 5,332,944 vertices:


Size on Disk


Supported Channels


165,111,621 bytes

164,011,784 bytes



234,056,544 bytes

226,277,851 bytes



282,945,621 bytes

149,171,608 bytes



448,612,096 bytes

119,390,394 bytes



534,445,284 bytes

213,637,047 bytes



893,220,732 bytes

176,765,153 bytes
