Write an Image to File with a Maximum Bit Depth


You want to write an image to file and specify a maximum bit depth.


import Draft
from DraftParamParser import SplitDataType      # Import SplitDataType from the DraftParamParser library

# Read an image from file
image = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( '//path/to/in.exr' )

# Get the current file channel map
fileChannelMap = image.GetFileChannelMap()

# Set a max bit depth of 16
for key in fileChannelMap:
    splitDataType = SplitDataType( fileChannelMap[key] )
    bitDepth = int( splitDataType[0] )
    dataType = splitDataType[1]
    if bitDepth > 16:
        fileChannelMap[key] = '16' + dataType

# Set the file channel map
image.SetFileChannelMap( fileChannelMap )

# Write the image back to file
image.WriteToFile( '//path/to/out.exr' )


If you want to limit the bit depth of an image file that was read from file to a maximum of 16, you need to first get that image’s file channel map using:

fileChannelMap = image.GetFileChannelMap()

Then, fileChannelMap will store a dictionary containing the data type for each channel present in the image. The function SplitDataType() from the DraftParamParser library takes a valid data type string made of a strictly positive number followed by an optional group of letters and split this string in two, the first part being the bit depth and the second the optional group of letters. Looping through all the image channel, you can easily extract the bit depth of each channel by using:

splitDataType = SplitDataType( fileChannelMap[key] )
bitDepth = int( splitDataType[0] )
dataType = splitDataType[1]

and you can modify the channel bit depth using:

if bitDepth > 16:
    fileChannelMap[key] = '16' + dataType

You can then write the image back to file. Note that even if, in this process, you set the file channel data type to ‘16ui’ before writing an EXR image to file, the channel will still be written as ‘32ui’ since an EXR unsigned integer always has a bit depth of 32.

See Also

You can consult the sections Image File Channel Map in Concepts and Write an Image to File with a Specific File Channel Map in the Basic Cookbook.