Scanner Data Access


  • Some binary Point Data file formats including E57, PTG and PTX include metadata describing the location of one or more LiDAR Scanners that were used to generate the data.

  • These files can also contain a ScannerIndex channel providing information about what Scanner Position each point sample came from.

  • SEQUOIA exposes this metadata in the Point Loader and offers tools to align the Camera to a Scanner Position, create Bookmarks from the Scanner Positions etc.

Reviewing The Scanner Position Metadata

  • The Scanner Position metadata is exposed in a dedicated “Scanner Data” rollout.

  • A Scanner Index drop-down list will show the Indices of the Scanners used to generate the points.

  • The Position and Rotation read-only value fields will list the XYZ Position and Rotation values.


Setting the Camera To The Scanner Position

  • Select the Scanner Index from the drop-down list.

  • Select the desired Rotation Override mode, for example +X will orient the Camera to look along the world X axis.

  • Press the [Go to Scanner] button.

  • RESULT: The Active Viewport’s Camera will be placed at the Scanner Position and oriented according to the Rotation Override mode settings.

Setting the Camera To Look At The Scanner Position

  • Select the Scanner Index from the drop-down list.

  • Select the desired Rotation Override mode, for example +X will orient the Camera to look along the world X axis.

  • Press the [Focus On Scanner] button.

  • RESULT: The Active Viewport’s Camera will be moved to look at the Scanner Position and oriented according to the Rotation Override mode settings.

Creating A Bookmark From A Specific Scanner Position

  • Select the Scanner Index from the drop-down list.

  • Select the desired Rotation Override mode, for example +X will orient the Camera to look along the world X axis.

  • Press the [Create Bookmark] button.

  • RESULT: A new Bookmark will be created in the Bookmarks panel.

    • It will be named according to the Point Loader’s name and the Scanner Index’ index.

    • It will be oriented according to the Rotation Override mode settings.

    • The Thumbnail will be generated automatically.

Creating A Bookmark From All Scanner Positions

  • Select the desired Rotation Override mode, for example +X will orient the Camera to look along the world X axis.

  • Press the [Create Bookmarks All] button.

  • RESULT: A new Bookmark will be created in the Bookmarks panel for each Scanner Position on the Scanner Index list.

    • They will be named according to the Point Loader’s name and the Scanner Index’ index.

    • They will be oriented according to the Rotation Override mode settings.

    • The Thumbnails will be generated automatically.