Relocating the Database or Repository


There may come a time where you need to move the Database or Repository (or both) to another location or another machine. This guide will walk you through the steps required.

Migrating the Database

These are the steps to move your Database to a new location:

  1. Shut down all the Worker applications running on your render nodes. You don’t want them making changes during the move.

  2. Stop the mongod service/daemon process on the Database machine using adminstrator/root level access, where [VERSION] is the MAJOR version number of Deadline. You can use the standard OS GUI tools or via the command-line.

  • Windows:

    sc stop Deadline[VERSION]DatabaseService
  • Linux:

    sudo service deadline[VERSION]db stop
  • Mac OS X:

    launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb_Deadline[VERSION]DatabaseService.plist
  1. Run the Repository Installer on the new machine to setup the mongod service/daemon.

  2. Stop the mongod service/daemon process on the new Database machine as per above examples so that we can overwrite the otherwise locked files next.

  3. Copy the Database folder from the original location to the new one.

  4. Update the config.conf file in the data folder to point to the new system log folder and storage folder locations.

  5. Start the mongod service/daemon process on the new Database machine using adminstrator/root level access, where [VERSION] is the MAJOR version number of Deadline. You can use the standard OS GUI tools or via the command-line.

  • Windows:

    sc start Deadline[VERSION]DatabaseService
  • Linux:

    sudo service deadline[VERSION]db start
  • Mac OS X:

    launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb_Deadline[VERSION]DatabaseService.plist
  1. Modify the connection.ini (dbConnect.xml was deprecated in Deadline 8.0) file in the settings folder in the Repository to set the new database host name or IP address (if you moved it to another machine).

  2. Start up the Workers and ensure that they can connect to the new Database.

Here is an example of how you would update the config.conf file if you copied the new database location was C:\NEW_DATABASE_FOLDER:

    destination: file
    path: C:/NEW_DATABASE_FOLDER/data/logs/log.txt
    quiet: true

    dbPath: C:/NEW_DATABASE_FOLDER/data

As Deadline clients use the connection.ini (dbConnect.xml was deprecated in Deadline 8.0) file in the Repository to determine the database connection settings, you don’t have to reconfigure the clients to find the new database.

Migrating the Repository

These are the steps to move your Repository to a new location:

  1. Ensure that the share for the new location already exists. Also ensure that the proper user permissions have been set.

  2. Shut down all the Worker applications running on your render nodes. You don’t want them making changes during the move.

  3. Copy the Repository folder from the original location to the new location.

  4. Redirect all your Client machines to point to the new Repository location. Pulse’s Auto-Configuration can help automate this stage or the Client Configuration Files can be manually edited on each Worker to look at the new repository location.

  5. Start up the Workers and ensure that they can connect to the new Repository location.

  6. Delete the original Repository (optional).

As an alternative to step (4), you can configure your share name (if the new Repository is on the same machine) or your DNS settings (if the new Repository is on a different machine) so that the new Repository location has the same path as the original. This saves you the hassle of having to reconfigure all of your Client machines.