Mesh Operators

Mesh Relax

  • Relaxes the mesh by moving each vertex towards the average of its neighbor vertices.
  • Exposed properties are:


  • Defines how many iterations to perform.
  • In each iteration, each vertex will be moved to the average position of its neighbord vertices.
  • After all vertices have been moved, more iterations can be performed using the modified vertex positions from the previous iterations.
  • The minimum value is 0 and performs no iterations at all, equivalent to disabling the operator.
  • The slider’s range maximum is 100.
  • Values higher than 100 can be entered manually by typing into the value field.


  • Defines how much to move the vertex from its current position to the average position of its neighbors.
  • The maximum value is 1.0 and moves the vertex to the average position of its neightbors.
  • The minimum value is 0.0 and does not move the vertex at all.
  • Values outside of the 0.0-1.0 range are not allowed and will be clamped.

Remove All Mesh Channels

  • Removes all extra mesh channels like Color, TextureCoord etc., except for vertices and faces.
  • Useful to produce XMesh files with minimal mesh data when exporting the mesh to disk.
  • This operator exposes no properties.

Cull Faces by Normal Similarity

  • Deletes faces based on a comparison between the mesh face Normals and Normals sampled from the Point Cloud.
  • Exposed properties are:


  • Defines the tolerance of the comparison test.
  • Valid range is from 0.0 to 100.0.
  • Default is 50.0

Mesh Channels

  • Re-samples data from the Point Cloud via the Mesher’s iso-surface and updates the mesh channels.
  • Not supported on mesh objects other than Mesher.
  • It exposes no controls.

Mesh Evolution

  • Relaxes the mesh of a Mesher object while attempting to keep the vertices on the Mesher’s iso-surface.
  • Exposed properties are:


  • Defines how many iterations to perform.
  • The minimum value is 0 and performs no iterations at all, equivalent to disabling the operator.
  • The slider’s range maximum is 100.
  • Values higher than 100 can be entered manually by typing into the value field.


  • Defines how much to move each vertex
  • Values outside of the 0.0-1.0 range are not allowed and will be clamped.

Mesh Reduction

  • Simplifies the mesh by collapsing edges and producing a mesh with less and larger polygons.
  • An instance of this operator is added to every new Mesher object automatically, and the relevant controls are exposed in the Mesher’s UI.
  • The operator exposes the following properties:


  • When checked, the operator will use a fraction of the faces as defined by MeshReductionFaceFraction to determine when to stop optimizing.
  • When the operator is created as part of a Mesher object, the state of this property will be controlled by the drop-down list in the Mesher’s UI.


  • Defines the fraction of the faces used when MeshReductionEnableFaceFraction is checked.


  • When checked, the operator will use a absolute faces count as defined by MeshReductionFaceCount to determine when to stop optimizing.
  • When the operator is created as part of a Mesher object, the state of this property will be controlled by the drop-down list in the Mesher’s UI.


  • Defines the absolute faces count used when MeshReductionEnableFaceCount is checked.


  • When checked, the operator will use the error threshold defined by MeshReductionError to determine when to stop optimizing.
  • When the operator is created as part of a Mesher object, the state of this property will be False and it will not be controlled by the drop-down list in the Mesher’s UI.


  • Defines the absolute faces count used when MeshReductionEnableError is checked.

Conform To Particles

  • Conforms the vertices of a Mesher to the closest points of the Point Sources of the Mesher.
  • It can be added to a Mesher, especially after culling its backfacing polygons, to produce a single-sided mesh passing through the surface defined by the Point Cloud.
  • This operator exposes no properties.