Working With SEQUOIA Documents

The SEQUOIA Multi-Document Interface

  • SEQUOIA implements a new breed of multi-document User Interface. It lets you

    • Edit one Document using an arbitrary number of views and control panels,

    • Clone a Document to create a branch and make experiment with its settings without affecting the source Document,

    • Edit any number of unrelated Documents at the same time, including working in parallel and sharing the data cache and some controls like camera navigation, camera animation, bookmarks etc.

    • Switch Panels according to the current Document, or lock some Panels to specific Documents

  • You can also launch multiple instances of the SEQUOIA application to work independently on multiple Documents without sharing any data or controls - only Bookmarks and Camera Animation keyframes can be dragged and dropped between SEQUOIA instances.

The SEQUOIA Document

  • “Document” is the term used to describe a SEQUOIA scene. SEQUOIA Documents can exist in memory or on disk.

  • When SEQUOIA is launched, a new empty “Untitled” Document will be created and can be populated with objects.

  • A Document can be closed manually via

    • The File > CLOSE Document > … menu.

    • The [G]> Viewport Options menu > Clode Document > … menu.

  • Documents are never closed automatically, except when closing the SEQIOIA application.

    • For example, closing a Viewport Panel showing the content of a Document does not remove the Document from memory.

    • A new Viewport can be opened or an existing Viewport could be switched to show the content at the existing Document again.

The Active Document

  • While there can be multiple open Documents at any given time, only one of these Documents will be considered the Active Document.

  • The activation of a Document is performed by selecting a Viewport associated with that Document

    • The Active Viewport will show a border with the same color as the associated Document.

Viewports And Documents

  • The Viewport panel is a “window” into a Document’s world.

  • Each Viewport can be associated with a Document, but a Document can exist even if no Viewport exists to look into it.

  • By default, a single viewport will exist when SEQUOIA is started, representing the default Untitled Document.

  • The creation of a new Document via File > New or File > Clone will automatically create a new Viewport to look at its content.

  • The creation of a new Viewport via Panels > VIEWPORT - Create New Panel menu item will not create a new Document

    • It will create a new panel docked to the side of the existing Viewport panel.

    • It will set the new Viewport to display the content of the Active Document.

Automatic Document Colors

  • Every Document will be assigned a color to make it easier to distinguish between all open Documents at a glance, especially when working with two or more Documents at the same time.

  • The colors are assigned according to a pre-defined scheme.

    • The first 10 colors to use are currently declared in the file Sequoia_colors.json .

    • The same colors will be reused for the next 10 documents.

  • The Document color shows up in the upper left corner [G]> Options Menu icon of a Viewport, as well as on the [VG] Viewport icon on the tab.

  • When a Viewport is selected, the Document color is also used to draw an outline border around the viewport to denote that it is the active viewport (and thus the Active Document).

  • In the above screenshot, two Documents were created - “Untitled” (green) and “Untitled 2” (orange).

  • The green Document is the Active one.

  • Switching to the orange tab would make Document “Untitled 2” the Active Document.

Document-Aware Panels

  • Most panels in the SEQUOIA User Interface are Document-Aware.

  • Document-Aware Panels will display a list of all open Documents in memory in their []> Options Menu just like the Viewports, but with the addition of a default “Active Document” option.

  • Any Document-Aware panels that are set to “Active Document” will automatically switch to display relevant data from the Active Document.

[B] For example,

  • Two Documents are opened

  • A Point Loader is selected in the first Document

  • A Mesher is selected in the second Document

  • Switching the Active Document between the first and second Document will update the content of the Object Properties panel to show either the Point Loader or the Mesher.

  • Switching the Object Properties panel to a specific Document entry via the menu will lock the panel to that Document regardless of what the Active Document is.

[B] In the above example,

  • Lock the Object Properties panel to the Document with the Point Loader

  • Switching to the Document with the Mesher will still display the Point Loader’s properties in the Object Properties panel.

  • Now you could open a new Object Properties panel using the Panels>OBJECT PROPERTIES - Create New Panel menu.

  • Dock it to the side of the first Object Properties panel

  • Lock it to the second Document

  • Now you can display the Mesher properties from the second Document side-by-side with the Point Loader’s properties from the First document, regardless of which Document is the Active one!

Loading Documents

  • If the Active Document is Untitled and completely empty and unmodified, using File > Open… to load an existing .SQ file from disk will replace the Untitled Document with the content from disk.

  • If the Active Document has been modified or saved to disk, using File > Open… to load an existing .SQ file from disk will create a new Document and associated Viewport which will be docked as a tab of the existing Viewport panel.

Saving Documents

  • The Active Document can be saved to an .SQ file on disk using the

    • File > SAVE Document menu item or by pressing CTRL+S - if the Document is Untitled, a file save dialog will open, otherwise the existing file will be overwritten.

    • File > SAVE Document AS… menu item - a file save dialog will open even if the document already has a name.

  • The .SQ file uses the SQLite database format and only stores the node graph (scene objects) without their data.

[B] For example,

  • A Document contains a Point Loader pointing at an external point data file, and a Mesher object creating geometry from the Point Loader’s data.

  • Saving the Document will only save the Point Loader’s and Mesher’s properties and their relationship

  • Their respective point data and mesh data will not be stored explicitly in the Document.

  • When the Document is loaded again, the point data will be restored from the referenced disk file, and the mesh data will have to be recomputed.