Import Point Files Dialog

Opening The Dialog

  • The Import Multiple Point Files dialog is opened via the Main Menu > Batch > IMPORT Multiple Point Files... menu item.
  • Once the menu item is selected, a multi-file Open dialog will open.
    • It can be used to select one or more input files from the same folder to be converted.
    • The files can be of different datasets and can have different supported file formats.
    • Once the files are selected, the [Open] button will populate the Import Multiple Point Files dialog will these files.
    • Cancelling the File Dialog will still open the Convert Multiple Point Files dialog, but it will be empty - the [ADD Files...] button can be used to add files later.
  • Alternatively, drag and drop one or more .SPRT files into a SEQUOIA Viewport to open and populate the dialog automatically.
  • The various columns of the Listview will be populated automatically with the best suggestions SEQUOIA can make based on the file format, content and name.
  • Each entry and each column beyond the Input File column can then be edited individually or en-masse before performing the conversion.

User Interface Controls

Point Files Import Queue Listview

  • The main element of the Import dialog is the Listview representing the Processing Queue.
  • Each row represents a point file scheduled to be imported using a newly created Point Loader object.
  • Each column represents a mandatory or optional setting used by SEQUOIA to perform the Point Loader creation.
  • The majority of UI controls in the dialog modify the Listview - either the content of specific columns, or the selection of the ListView.

ADD Files... Button

  • Pressing this button will open the same multi-file Open dialog to add one or more files to the processing Queue.
  • This allows the selection of files located in different folders, and even in different storage locations.

REMOVE Selected Files Button

  • Pressing this button will remove one or more selected entries from the queue.
  • If no rows are selected, nothing will be removed.
  • See also the [Select ALL] and [Select INVERT] buttons for quick ways to modify the selection.

Loader Name Pattern Textfield

  • The text field defines the base name of the Point Loader to be created.
  • The default value is $source, which will name the Point Loader according to the input filename.

Autoload Checkbutton

  • This option controls whether the Point Loader will be updated to load the points automatically.
  • If unchecked (default), the file name will be set in the Point Loader, but a manual [Update Point Loader] click in the Point Loader’s Object Properties will be require to load and display the points.

Select ALL Button

  • Pressing this button will select all entries on the Queue.
  • This is useful to quickly change all entries to the same value, for example set the Output Path of all entries to a new path.
  • This is also useful for removing all entries ( [Select ALL] - [REMOVE Selected Files] ).

INVERT Selection Button

  • Pressing this button will invert the current selection - selected items will become deselected, and vice-versa.

Selection Status Text

  • This text displays the number of selected entries, as well as the total number of entries on the Queue.


  • Pressing this button will create Tasks to process the Queue.

Cancel Button

  • Pressing this button will close the Dialog wiithout processing the Queue.