Spot Event Plugin - Configuration Options

Spot Event Plugin

AWS Permissions Setup

Amazon Machine Images

Spot Fleet Requests

Security Credentials Configuration

Spot Fleet Configuration

Spot Event Configuration Options

Spot Event Configuration Utility

Deadline Connectivity Configuration

VPC Endpoints Configuration


To access the Spot Event Plugin configuration settings,

  • Enable Tools > Super User mode in the Monitor’s menu.

  • Select Tools > Configure Events from the Monitor’s menu.

  • Select the Spot entry from the list on the left.


Spot Event Plugin Settings

The Spot Event Plugin settings are:


  • State: How this Event Plugin should respond to Events. If Global, all Jobs and Workers will trigger the Events for this Plugin. If Disabled, no Events are triggered for this Plugin. Default: Disabled.


    To complete a clean shutdown of an already running Spot Event Plugin environment; disable the Spot Event Plugin via Deadline Monitor, ensure you shutdown all Pulse instances and then terminate any Spot Fleet Requests in the AWS EC2 Mgmt Console.

  • Enable Resource Tracker: (Only disable for AMIs with Deadline 10.0.26 or earlier). Use of the Deadline Resource Tracker requires that your custom AMIs have Deadline Client 10.0.27 or later installed on them. If enabled, the Deadline Resource Tracker will help optimize your resources by terminating instances and Spot Fleet Requests that don’t appear to be behaving as expected. We recommend upgrading your AMIs and enabling the Deadline Resource Tracker. Default: True.

  • Use Local Credentials: Whether or not you wish to use your local AWS credentials (found in ~/.aws/credentials (Linux & Mac) or %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials (Windows)). If you are using local credentials, you may leave the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key fields blank. We recommend using local credentials.

  • AWS Named Profile: The AWS Named Profile that contains your Spot Credentials.
    • Note: The credential and config files (~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config (Linux & Mac) or %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials and %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config (Windows)) must be on the machine that performs house cleaning (which is usually the machine running Pulse).

    • For more information on AWS Named Profiles and how to create them, visit:

  • Access Key ID: The AWS Access Key ID for your Spot Credentials.
  • Secret Access Key: The AWS Secret Access Key for your Spot Credentials. If using the Deadline Secrets Management feature, this parameter will be saved and retrieved based on the Event Plugin Secrets Access Level.


  • Logging Level: Different logging levels. Select Verbose for detailed logging about the inner workings of the Spot Event Plugin. Select Debug for all Verbose logs plus additional information on AWS API calls that are used. Default: Standard.

  • Region: The AWS region in which to start the Spot Fleet Requests. Default: eu-west-1.

  • Spot Fleet Request Group Pools: A mapping between your Groups and Pools. See here for an example on formatting multiple pools per group.

  • Spot Fleet Request Configurations: A mapping between your Groups and Spot Fleet Requests (SFRs). See here for an example. Spot Fleet Requests (SFRs) are JSON formatted and can be downloaded from the AWS console. Default: {}.


    If you modify your JSON configuration after deployment, then ensure any active SFRs are terminated in the AWS console and Pulse is restarted. It is best to only modify the JSON configuration when you are not actively rendering on AWS.

  • Idle Shutdown: Number of minutes that a AWS Worker will wait in a non-rendering state before it is shutdown. Default: 10.

  • Delete SEP Terminated Workers: If enabled, Deadline Spot Event Plugin terminated AWS Workers will be deleted from the Workers Panel on the next House Cleaning cycle. Warning: The terminated Worker’s reports will also be deleted for each Worker, which may be undesired for future debugging a render Job issue. Default: False.

  • Delete EC2 Spot Interrupted Workers: If enabled, EC2 Spot interrupted AWS Workers will be deleted from the Workers Panel on the next House Cleaning cycle. Warning: The terminated Worker’s reports will also be deleted for each Worker, which may be undesired for future debugging a render Job issue. Default: False.

  • Strict Hard Cap: If enabled, any active instances greater than the target capacity for each group will be terminated. Workers may be terminated even while rendering. Default: False.

  • Maximum Instances Started Per Cycle: The Spot Plugin will request this maximum number of instances per House Cleaning cycle. Default: 50.

  • Pre Job Task Mode: How the Spot Event Plugin handles Pre Job Tasks. Conservative will only start 1 Spot instance for the Pre Job Task and ignore any other Tasks for that Job until the Pre Job Task is completed. Ignore will not take the Pre Job Task into account when calculating target capacity. Normal will treat the Pre Job Task like a regular Job Queued Task. Default: Conservative.

  • AWS Instance Status: If enabled, the Worker Extra Info X column will be used to display AWS Instance Status if the instance has been marked to be stopped or terminated by EC2 or Spot Event Plugin. All timestamps are displayed in UTC format. Default: Disabled.


    All SEP components: Workers, RCS, or Pulse instances MUST be configured with UTC time format.